RGC Digital Marketing

By Kayla Croser

The Art & Science Of Creating Shareable Content

Have you ever wondered why some social media posts go viral while others barely get a like? It’s not just luck—there’s an art and science to creating content that people want to share. 

In today’s digital world, the ability to craft shareable content can make all the difference in reaching a wider audience and building your brand. 

So, what’s the secret? Let’s dive into the techniques and strategies that can transform your content from overlooked to irresistible.

What Is Shareable Content?

Shareable content is the kind of content that people want to share with their friends, family, and followers. It’s engaging, interesting, and often has a bit of a “wow” factor. Think of it as the digital equivalent of a great story you can’t wait to tell someone.

It can come in many forms, from funny memes and inspiring quotes to informative articles and eye-catching videos. Here are some key characteristics:

  • Relatable: People see themselves or their experiences in the content.
  • Emotional: It evokes strong emotions, whether it’s joy, surprise, or even sadness.
  • Valuable: Offers useful information or insights.
  • Entertaining: Makes people laugh or keeps them entertained.
  • Visual: Includes compelling images or videos that grab attention.

What Is Shareable Content?

The Importance Of Shareability In Digital Marketing

Creating shareable content is crucial in digital marketing. When your content is shared, it reaches a wider audience, boosting your brand’s visibility and credibility. Shareable content attracts more likes, comments, and shares, enhancing engagement. This increased visibility drives more traffic to your website, leading to higher conversions and meaningful results for your brand. Crafting resonant content can significantly amplify your digital marketing efforts.

The Psychology Behind Shareable Content

Creating content that people love to share is about understanding what makes people tick and leveraging that knowledge to craft posts that spread like wildfire.

Emotional Triggers

Emotions play a huge role in why people share content. There are two main types of emotional triggers:

Positive Emotions: Content that brings joy, surprise, or amusement tends to get shared more. Think about a hilarious meme or an inspiring story that made you smile. These positive feelings make people want to spread the happiness.

Negative Emotions: On the flip side, content that evokes anger, sadness, or fear can also be highly shareable. When something makes us angry or sad, we often feel compelled to share it, perhaps to raise awareness or find support.

Social Currency

We all like to look good in front of others. Sharing valuable content can boost our social standing. This is known as social currency. When you share something insightful, funny, or useful, it reflects positively on you. It’s like saying, “Look at this cool thing I found!”

Practical Value

People love content that offers practical value. Tips, tricks, and how-to guides are goldmines for shares. If your content can help someone solve a problem or learn something new, they’re more likely to pass it on. Think of recipe videos, DIY hacks, or life tips that you couldn’t wait to share with your friends.


Great stories captivate us. They draw us in, make us feel connected, and inspire us to share. Whether it’s a heartwarming tale, a thrilling adventure, or a personal experience, storytelling makes content relatable and memorable. When people see themselves in your story, they’re more likely to share it with others.

Blueprint For A Captivating Story

The Science Of Shareable Content

Data-Driven Insights

Understanding what works best starts with data. By analysing performance metrics, you can pinpoint what types of content resonate with your audience. Tools like Google Analytics and BuzzSumo are invaluable here. They help you see which posts get the most clicks, shares, and engagement. Use these insights to refine your content strategy and focus on what your audience loves.

Optimal Content Length and Format

The length of your content affects its shareability. 

For articles, around 1,000-1500 words work well. 

On social media, shorter is better: 

  • 100 characters on Twitter
  • 150 on Instagram
  • 40-80 on Facebook

But it’s not just about text. Videos, infographics, listicles, and how-to guides are highly shareable formats. People love visuals and easy-to-digest information. Mix up your formats to keep your audience engaged and more likely to share.

Timing and Frequency

Timing is everything. Posting your content when your audience is most active can significantly boost engagement. Frequency also matters. Posting regularly keeps your audience engaged, but don’t overdo it. Aim for quality over quantity to maintain interest and avoid content fatigue.

Elements Of Shareable Content

Compelling Headlines

Headlines are the first thing your audience sees. Crafting attention-grabbing headlines is an art in itself. Use numbers, questions, and powerful words to draw readers in. Think of headlines as your content’s first impression – make it count!

Visual Appeal

We live in a visual world, and high-quality images and videos are essential. Eye-catching graphics and infographics can make your content more engaging and shareable. Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words, so use visuals to tell your story effectively.

Enhance Your Content With Visual Appeal

Clear and Concise Messaging

Your message should be easy to read and understand. Keep your content clear and concise. Use bullet points, subheadings, and short paragraphs to break up the text and make it more digestible. Simple, straightforward messaging can make your content more relatable and easier to share.

Strategies For Creating Shareable Content

Know Your Audience

The first step to creating shareable content is knowing who you’re talking to. Start by conducting audience research. This can involve:

  • Surveys
  • Social media insights
  • Website analytics

Next, create buyer personas. Think about their age, occupation, hobbies, and challenges. With clear personas in mind, you can tailor your content to meet their specific needs and interests.

Content Personalisation

Once you know your audience, it’s time to personalise your content. Generic content doesn’t cut it anymore. Tailor your messages to specific audience segments. For example, if you’re a fitness brand, create different content for beginners, intermediates, and advanced athletes. Personalisation makes your audience feel seen and valued, increasing the likelihood they’ll share your content.

Interactive Content

People love to interact with content, not just consume it. Incorporate:

  • Quizzes
  • Polls
  • Interactive infographics

For example, a travel company might create a quiz like “Which European City Should You Visit Next?” Interactive content not only engages your audience but also encourages them to share their results with friends and family.

Leveraging User-Generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) is a goldmine for creating shareable content. Encourage your audience to create content related to your brand. This could be photos, videos, reviews, or social media posts. For instance, a clothing brand could ask customers to share photos of themselves wearing their clothes with a specific hashtag. Showcase this content on your platforms to build community and trust. When people see their content featured, they’re more likely to share it, spreading your brand’s reach even further.

User-Generated Content

Start Crafting Your Viral Masterpiece!

Creating shareable content is both an art and a science. It’s about understanding your audience, crafting compelling stories, and using the right tools to spread your message. 

As you experiment with different strategies, remember to stay authentic and connect with your audience on a personal level. The more you resonate with them, the more likely they are to share your content. 

Keep testing, learning, and refining your approach, and you’ll master the art of creating content that truly resonates and spreads like wildfire. Happy creating!

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