RGC Digital Marketing

By Kayla Croser

15 Eye-Opening Social Media Marketing Statistics Of 2023

15 Eye Opening Social Media Statistics

Table of Contents

  1. 15 Social Media Marketing Statistics For 2023 You Can't Afford To Miss
  2. As of 2023, social media is estimated to be used by around 4.9 billion individuals globally.¹
  3. About 44% of internet users aged 16 to 64 rely on social media as their primary source of information when they’re researching brands.² 
  4. On average, individuals switch between seven different social networks each month.³ 
  5. Worldwide, people dedicate around 2 hours and 28 minutes each day to social media.4
  6. There are more than 900 million members across 200 countries on LinkedIn.5 
  7. A total of 2.037 billion people use Facebook every day – that’s 68% of all monthly active users.6
  8. In 2023, TikTok claimed the top spot with an impressive median engagement rate of 5.69%, closely followed by YouTube at 5.24%.7
  9. 64% of consumers are more likely to trust a brand if it interacts positively on social media.
  10. Short-form videos stand out as the most engaging type of content on social media.
  11. 91% of Internet users access the Internet through smartphones, while 65.6% use laptops or desktops, and 27.3% opt for tablets.10
  12. 76% of social media users have made purchases based on something they saw on social media.11
  13. 79% of Australians are on social media, but only 47% of small and medium businesses have a social media presence.12 
  14. Instagram dominates social selling, providing consumers with the ultimate in-app shopping experience among all platforms. Marketers also find it to be the most rewarding platform, offering the highest ROI for product sales.13 
  15. Following Google, YouTube stands as the world's second-most visited website.14
  16. There has been a 6.5% rise in social media users compared to last year.15
  17. What’s Ahead For Social Media Marketing In Australia?
  18. References For Social Media Marketing Statistics

In today’s digital era, social media has become an inseparable part of our lives. It has transformed the way we communicate, connect, and share information, and the latest social media marketing statistics reflect this. From reconnecting with old friends to staying up to date with the latest trends, social media platforms have become our virtual playgrounds.

As avid social media users, we often find ourselves engaged in the endless streams of content, scrolling through our feeds, and hitting that “like” button. But have you ever wondered about the bigger picture? What is the impact of social media on our lives and society as a whole? 

These 15 eye-opening social media statistics of 2023 will shed light on the ever-changing dynamics of our virtual social spheres. They will not only surprise you but will also provide valuable insights into the way we should interact and engage with these platforms in the year ahead.

15 Social Media Marketing Statistics For 2023 You Can’t Afford To Miss

As of 2023, social media is estimated to be used by around 4.9 billion individuals globally.¹

In 2023, social media platforms have undeniably transformed into a vital aspect of daily life for billions of individuals worldwide. With almost 60% of the global population actively participating, these numbers showcase just how influential these digital platforms are in shaping the way we interact with the world. 

For instance, in Australia alone, 25.31 million people actively embrace social media. Its impact is evident, directing the way we connect with others and influencing modern society. With such a massive user base, social media continues to have a significant role in defining communication and society in today’s world. And it’s safe to say that this will be reflected in our social media use in 2024. 

Approximately 4.9 billion social media users around the world

About 44% of internet users aged 16 to 64 rely on social media as their primary source of information when they’re researching brands.² 

As we search for products or services, a significant percentage of us turn to social media for insights and opinions. This shift in consumer behaviour highlights the growing influence of platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter in guiding our purchasing decisions.

With the convenience of real-time updates, user reviews, and engaging content, social media has become a resource for discovering brands, their values, and the experiences of others.

For businesses, establishing a strong presence on these platforms has become essential to connect with their audience and build trust in their brand.

On average, individuals switch between seven different social networks each month.³ 

It should come as no surprise that the average person is hopping between seven different social platforms per month! With a range of platforms catering to various interests and preferences, it’s natural for users to explore and engage across multiple channels.

Whether it’s sharing updates on Facebook, capturing moments on Instagram, or discovering trends on TikTok, each platform offers a unique experience. Now more than ever, we’re embracing a multi-platform approach to social networking, and it’s changing the way we interact with each other.

This trend not only highlights our desire for varied online experiences but it also emphasises the importance of adaptability for businesses to meet the ever-changing needs of their consumers.

On average, people switch between seven social networks monthly

Worldwide, people dedicate around 2 hours and 28 minutes each day to social media.4

In today’s digital age, social media has become a constant companion in our daily routines. Social media isn’t just a platform for social interactions anymore; it has become our preferred source for news updates, shopping sprees, and much more.

To put this into perspective, assuming people sleep for an average of 7 to 8 hours per day, it means we spend roughly 15% of our waking lives scrolling, liking, and engaging with online content. It’s amazing to think that, added together, the world collectively spends nearly 12 billion hours on social media each day.

As these platforms seamlessly integrate into various aspects of our lives, it presents itself as a prime opportunity for businesses to reach and engage with their target audience.

There are more than 900 million members across 200 countries on LinkedIn.5 

LinkedIn – the professional networking platform that has truly become a global powerhouse. With an immense user base, this platform has evolved into a valuable hub for businesses, allowing them to connect with a diverse pool of professionals from various industries and regions.

With such a vast user community, LinkedIn offers exceptional opportunities for companies to expand their networks, find potential clients and partners, and recruit talent worldwide.

The platform’s reach and influence have transformed it into a go-to destination for professionals looking to grow their careers and for businesses aiming to thrive in the ever-expanding global market.

A total of 2.037 billion people use Facebook every day – that’s 68% of all monthly active users.6

In the bustling world of social media, one platform stands out as a true giant: Facebook

Facebook’s influence is undeniable, with a vast community of individuals connecting, sharing, and engaging with content day in and day out.

Further to this, Facebook has evolved beyond personal connections; it has become a vital tool for businesses, allowing them to reach and engage with their target audience on an unprecedented scale.

With an impressive user base making up a considerable percentage of its overall activity, it’s safe to say that Facebook’s influence on our interconnected world is here to stay.

2.037 billion people use Facebook every day

In 2023, TikTok claimed the top spot with an impressive median engagement rate of 5.69%, closely followed by YouTube at 5.24%.7

Among the many platforms vying for our attention, TikTok emerged as the undeniable star of the show. With an impressive median engagement rate, it outshone even the mighty YouTube platform.

Users have flocked to TikTok for its captivating short videos, creative challenges, and vibrant community, making it a hotbed of interaction and entertainment.

This newfound dominance highlights the ever-changing preferences of social media users and underscores the importance of engaging content in our digital world. As we continue to explore the world of social media, it’s clear that TikTok’s meteoric rise has left a lasting mark on our virtual lives.

64% of consumers are more likely to trust a brand if it interacts positively on social media.

Building trust with consumers is crucial for any brand’s success. And here’s the kicker: positive interactions on social media can be a game-changer. 

In fact, recent data shows a 12-point rise in consumers trusting brands with positive social media engagement, emphasising the growing importance of online interactions.

When brands respond promptly, provide helpful information, and show genuine care for their audience, it fosters a sense of trust and credibility among potential customers. By nurturing these virtual relationships, brands can build stronger connections and solidify their position in the hearts and minds of their target audience.

Short-form videos stand out as the most engaging type of content on social media.

Short-form videos have taken the social media world by storm, captivating users with their quick and engaging content. Whether it’s TikTok, Instagram Reels, or YouTube Shorts, these bite-sized videos have become the most sought-after content type.

A whopping 78.9% of TikTok users are on the hunt for fun and entertaining clips. Instagram users are also hooked, with Reels occupying 30% of their screen time and contributing to over half of the content reshared through Instagram DMs. The phenomenon extends to YouTube Shorts too, with an astonishing 5 trillion views and counting.

As attention spans shrink and users crave instant gratification, it’s clear that short-form videos are the reigning kings of engagement on social media.

91% of Internet users access the Internet through smartphones, while 65.6% use laptops or desktops, and 27.3% opt for tablets.10

With the digital world constantly evolving, the way we access the internet has undergone a remarkable transformation. A large majority of users now prefer to use their smartphones as their go-to device for online activities. Individuals are now seeking convenience and flexibility in their online interactions.

This is just one of many notable shifts in consumer behaviour, and marketers must pay attention to these trends and adapt their strategies to cater to users on different platforms. When creating a website for your business, it’s crucial to use a website builder that optimises the site for both desktop and mobile experiences.

After all, social media is no longer confined to the comfort of homes; it’s increasingly happening on the go, as evidenced by the growing number of mobile users.

91% of Internet users access the Internet through smartphones, while 65.6% use laptops or desktops, and 27.3% opt for tablets

76% of social media users have made purchases based on something they saw on social media.11

With a large number of users giving in to the allure of products or services showcased on social platforms, it has become clear that these spaces hold immense power in influencing consumer behaviour and purchase decisions.

From eye-catching ads to captivating product demonstrations, these platforms have become a powerful tool for businesses. Whether it’s a trendy fashion item, a mouth-watering meal, or a must-have gadget, social media has the power to turn browsing into buying.

As the digital world continues to thrive, this trend shows no signs of slowing down, making social media an essential channel for businesses to showcase their offerings and for users to discover new products they might have otherwise missed.

79% of Australians are on social media, but only 47% of small and medium businesses have a social media presence.12 

Australians have wholeheartedly embraced the digital world, with a majority of people actively using various social media platforms to connect and share.

However, when it comes to small and medium businesses, it’s a different story. Surprisingly, less than half of them have taken the leap into the realm of social media. With just a small percentage of businesses establishing an online presence, there is significant potential for growth and engagement waiting to be explored.

As consumer behaviour continues to advance, bridging this gap could prove to be a game-changer for businesses, unlocking new opportunities and connections in the digital space.

Only 47% of small and medium businesses have a social media presence

Instagram dominates social selling, providing consumers with the ultimate in-app shopping experience among all platforms. Marketers also find it to be the most rewarding platform, offering the highest ROI for product sales.13 

Instagram has emerged as the reigning champion of social selling. This vibrant platform not only provides users with a seamless and enjoyable in-app shopping experience but also delivers excellent results for marketers.

With its user-friendly interface and visually appealing content, consumers find themselves drawn to the platform, making it a natural hub for exploring and purchasing products.

Marketers, on the other hand, have found a goldmine in Instagram’s high return on investment (ROI) for selling products, making it an indispensable tool for businesses looking to boost sales and expand their reach.

Whether you’re a shopper or a marketer, Instagram’s allure as the ultimate social selling platform is hard to resist.

Following Google, YouTube stands as the world’s second-most visited website.14

YouTube, the beloved video-sharing platform, has earned an exceptional position on the internet. Its immense popularity as the second-most visited website globally speaks volumes about the compelling power of videos in today’s digital age.

With billions of daily users, YouTube offers exceptional opportunities for content creators and businesses to reach a vast and diverse audience. Whether you’re showcasing creativity, sharing valuable insights, or promoting your brand, YouTube’s massive user base makes it an ideal platform to get your content noticed and appreciated.

So, if you haven’t already explored the wonders of YouTube, now’s the perfect time to tap into this dynamic and engaging space.

Top 6 Most Visited Websites In The World

There has been a 6.5% rise in social media users compared to last year.15

In the world of social media, one thing remains clear: it’s a trend that will just keep growing. This impressive growth has shown that social media is far from reaching its peak; instead, it’s still on the rise.

For businesses and individuals alike, this information holds crucial importance. Investing in social media marketing services and strategies remains a smart move to tap into an ever-expanding audience. As the social media user base expands, so do the opportunities to make an impact and be part of this continuously growing digital community.

What’s Ahead For Social Media Marketing In Australia?

Exciting times lie ahead for social media in Australia! Get ready for a surge in video content, with short-form videos stealing the spotlight. But it’s not just about trends; authenticity will be the driving force, as users crave genuine connections and transparent interactions.

As social commerce gains momentum, shopping experiences will seamlessly blend with the social media landscape. Gone are the days of mere browsing; buying will become an integrated part of the experience.

For businesses to remain relevant and competitive, they must focus on creating engaging content, delivering personalised customer interactions, and adopting data-driven strategies. Remember, if your business doesn’t invest in social media, your competitors will!

So, whether you are an enthusiastic user anticipating innovative experiences or a business striving for success, the Australian social media scene offers promising opportunities for all.

References For Social Media Marketing Statistics

  1. Top Social Media Statistics And Trends Of 2023. Forbes. Accessed 2 August 2023.
  2. 134 Social Media Statistics You Need To Know For 2023. Search Engine Journal. Accessed 2 August 2023.
  3. 50+ of the most important social media marketing statistics for 2023. Sprout Social. Accessed 3 August 2023.
  4. 160+ Social Media Statistics Marketers Need in 2023. Hootsuite. Accessed 4 August 2023.
  5. 50+ of the most important social media marketing statistics for 2023. Sprout Social. Accessed 3 August 2023.
  6. 134 Social Media Statistics You Need To Know For 2023. Search Engine Journal. Accessed 2 August 2023.
  7. Social Media Statistics and Trends in 2023. Geekflare. Accessed 3 August 2023.
  8. The must-know stats from the 2018 Yellow Social Media Report. Sensis. Accessed 3 August 2023.
  9. Top Social Media Statistics And Trends Of 2023. Forbes. Accessed 2 August 2023.
  10. Social Media Statistics and Trends in 2023. Geekflare. Accessed 3 August 2023.
  11. Top Social Media Statistics And Trends Of 2023. Forbes. Accessed 2 August 2023.
  12. The must-know stats from the 2018 Yellow Social Media Report. Sensis. Accessed 2 August 2023.
  13. 50+ of the most important social media marketing statistics for 2023. Sprout Social. Accessed 3 August 2023.
  14. 160+ Social Media Statistics Marketers Need in 2023. Hootsuite. Accessed 4 August 2023.
  15. How Many People Use Social Media In 2023? Oblero. Accessed 2 August 2023.
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